Redwood Area Camp Meeting Beginnings (1976 RCM) - Bill Hilliard and Gene Anderson

Redwood Camp Meeting - Beginnings

by Elder Bill Hilliard and Elder Gene Anderson


Listen to the incredible story of the very beginnings of Redwood Area Camp Meeting in beautiful Northern California as told by Elders Hilliard and Anderson.  This audio track is from the original 1976 recording.


  • Elder Bill Hilliard
  • Elder Gene Anderson


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Available Titles
1976-07 Redwood Camp Meeting Beginnings - 01 - How It All Began - Bill Hilliard, Gene Anderson - 1976 RCM-LQ.mp3
1976-07 Redwood Camp Meeting Beginnings - 01 - How It All Began - Bill Hilliard, Gene Anderson - 1976 RCM-HQ.mp3