Reaching the Young, for Jesus - Laffit Cortes

Reaching the Young, for Jesus

by Laffit Cortes

Young adults are the future of the church. The ones who will carry on the truth. How are we reaching them for Jesus? Pastor Cortes has had experience as a youth pastor, and will share his thoughts on how best to reach this group of God's children. What can we do to embrace them, and get them involved in the precious work?

Laffit Cortes serves as Pacific Union College campus chaplain and PUC church associate pastor. He enjoys speaking to young people at a variety of events around the country. Previously Cortes served as youth director for the New Jersey Conference. He and his wife Lynda, an occupational therapist, have two children, Raylyn and Caleb.

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Available Titles
1 - How to Reach Young Adults for Jesus.mp3
2 - 9 Characteristics of Churches that are Reaching Young Adults.mp3