Whole Marriages in a Broken World - Pat and Tami Milligan

Whole Marriages in a Broken World

by Pat and Tami Milligan

This seminar is about true love. It’s about how to navigate communication, learn your spouse’s love language, deal with your baggage, fight fair, stay twitterpated, and—most of all—be best friends with your spouse! Pat and Tami promise you that it’s never too late to have the incredible marriage you’ve always dreamed of!

Pat and Tami Milligan have been in pastoral ministry for 32 years. Pat serves as pastor of the Cadillac church, while Tami is a nursing administrator and women’s ministries speaker. Both believe that Christians who are enjoying God’s best in their marriages and families provide the greatest platform from which to witness to the world of the character of Christ. Their strength is in their commitment to be real and transparent in sharing their journey! The Milligans have two adult children and love sharing marriage enrichment events!

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Available Titles
1 - Our Story.mp3
2 - The Five Love Languages.mp3
3 - Habits that Destroy Relationships.mp3
4 - His Needs, Her Needs.mp3
5 - How to Fight Fair.mp3
6 - Improving Your Serve.mp3
7 - Reclaiming Your Intimacy.mp3