Secrets to Financial Freedom - Rudolph Peters

Secrets to Financial Freedom

by Rudolph Peters

Whether you are enslaved by your finances or have already experienced financial freedom, a precise personalized financial road map will help keep you on track to meet all your financial goals and arrive at a financial future free from regrets. The “Secrets to Financial Freedom” seminar will equip you with practical steps in eliminating debts, the essentials of a good budget, confidence in making financial decisions, and a personalized road map to financial freedom.

Rudolph V. Peters is the pastor of the Beacon Light SDA Church in Richmond Ca. He is passionate about lost people and endeavors every day to reach them with the love of Christ. Pastor Peters is married to Valentine Peters, his wife of 18 years, and together they have two children, Theon and Ethan Peters.

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Available Titles
1 - First Steps to Financial Freedom.mp3
2 - Your Budget and Financial Freedom.mp3
3 - How to Pay Off Debt and Save in the Process.mp3
4 - The Power of Marketing.mp3
5 - How to Retire in Financial Freedom.mp3
6 - How to Protect Your Financial Freedom.mp3