Walking in the Light - Walter Groff

Walking in the Light

by Walter Groff

Jesus has declared in the book of John that a person following His will won’t walk in darkness. However, the New Testament and the history of the Church are filled with stories of people who claim to follow Him, but who stumble in the darkness. We will explore the familiar New Testament ground of John 8 and discover its implications for walking in the light. Groff will also be presenting the Sabbath School lesson on the second Sabbath.

Walter Groff is senior pastor of the Gracepoint church in Rocklin. Groff also currently serves as ministerial director for the NCC, where he leads a team of pastors caring for other pastors. He has worked in Northern California since 1983, having served in Paradise, Lodi, and Cloverdale. Groff is a graduate of Pacific Union College and Andrews University. He and his wife LaBrenda have three children and have had a part in raising a niece and nephew.


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Available Titles
1 - Walking in the Light - Walter Groff - 2012 RCM.mp3
2 - Joyous and Thankful - Walter Groff - 2012 RCM.mp3